German Mortgage Banks and Lenders
These Banks offer Mortgages for your Dream Home
German Mortgage from over 430 banks
To offer German Mortgages for expats I work together with the following banks. They are partly specialised in expats, partly not. It is important to understand that German banks usually offer contracts for mortgages in German only. Expats should therefore either speak good German or hire a professional translator. Which option works depends on the bank.
Loan To Value (LTV) varies from bank to bank
Because many ask: Loan To Value (LTV) varies from bank to bank. Some banks even issue mortgages for the purchase price including all purchase fees. In this case the Loan To Value (LTV) is over 100%!
German banks all calculate the value of a property differently. Please feel free to contact me about this.
It is only important to understand that there are different possibilities for the design of mortgages with regard to the Loan To Value (LTV).
German Mortgage optimisation with equity
I will find out the best options for you and compare different models with downpayment and make them available to you.
A wise investment of equity can save thousands of EURO on a mortgage. The more the marrier? Not necassarily true. I will provide you with your individual best option to optimise your mortgage.
Here is a list of the German banks I work with to get you a German mortgage. This list will be extended continuously.
Braunschweigische Landessparkasse
Kreissparkasse Anhalt-Bitterfeld
Kreissparkasse Esslingen Nürtingen
Kreissparkasse Grafschaft Diepholz
Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg
Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg
Kreissparkasse Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Kreissparkasse Traunstein-Trostberg
Kyffhäusersparkasse Artern-Sondershausen
meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG, Rosenheim
Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse
Neue Leben Lebensversicherung AG
Niederrheinische Sparkasse RheinLippe
Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden
Raiffeisenbank Augsburger Land West
Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG
Raiffeisenbank Griesstätt-Halfing
Raiffeisenbank Schwaben Mitte eG
Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen eG
Raiffeisenbank Werratal-Landeck
Raiffeisen-Volksbank eG Aurich
Raiffeisen-Volksbank Saale-Orla eG
Rostocker Volks- und Raiffeisenbank
Spar- und Kreditbank Rheinstetten
Sparkasse Bad Hersfeld-Rotenburg
Sparkasse Baden-Baden Gaggenau
Sparkasse Celle-Gifhorn-Wolfsburg
Sparkasse Dillingen-Nördlingen
Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau
Sparkasse Hilden-Ratingen-Velbert
Sparkasse Hildesheim Goslar Peine
Sparkasse Mainfranken-Würzburg
Sparkasse Mecklenburg Schwerin
Sparkasse Mecklenburg-Nordwest
Sparkasse Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Sparkasse Neubrandenburg-Demmin
Sparkasse Neu-Ulm – Illertissen
Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien
Sparkasse Rosenheim-Bad Aibling
Steyler Bank Südwestbank Universa
Unsere Volksbank St. Wendeler Land
Vereinigte Volksbank eG Brakel
Vereinigte Volksbank eG Saarlouis-Losheim am See-Sulzbach/Saar
Vereinigte VR Bank Kur- und Rheinpfalz eG
Volksbank Braunschweig-Wolfsburg
Volksbank Bruhrain-Kraich-Hardt
Volksbank Delmenhorst Schierbrok
Volksbank Friedrichshafen-Tettnang eG
Volksbank Herford-Mindener Land eG
Volksbank Hildesheim-Lehrte-Pattensen
Volksbank Kraichgau Wiesloch-Sinsheim
Volksbank Mittlerer Schwarzwald eG
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG Itzehoe/Norderstedt
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Fürstenfeldbruck
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Laupheim-Illertal
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Meißen Großenhain
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Rosenheim-Chiemsee
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Würzburg
Volksbank Schwarzwald Baar Hegau
Volksbank Vogtland-Saale-Orla eG
VR Bank Gräfenberg-Forchheim-Eschenau-Heroldsberg
VR Bank Niederbayern-Oberpfalz
VR Bank Schwäbisch Hall-Crailsheim
VR Bank Starnberg Herrsching Landsberg
VR PartnerBank Chattengau-Schwalm-Eder
VR-Bank Erlangen-Höchstadt-Herzogenaurach
Your bank is not listed? Please feel free to contact me about this. I can offer special interest rates, some of which are not offered by the consultants in the bank.
Comparing German Banks can save thousands of Euros
If you want to have a German Mortgage, you should first make a comparison between all possible Lenders. Otherwise you can lose a lot of money.
I will make the process easy for you to understand and at the same time detailed to prepare you perfectly for your loan. I am not just giving you advice, I want to help you understand 100% of the German Mortgage you are signing a contract for.
Because this decision is one of the most important in life.
So if you are buying a flat or a house in Germany, the first thing you should do is contact me.Because you should first know the rough facts of your German Mortgage before you start negotiating. I provide clients with the value of their property free of charge. This information makes it easier to negotiate a purchase price.
Counter Offer for your Mortgage
Please contact me if you already have an offer for a loan in Germany. I will be happy to make you a better offer. So far I can make a better offer in 100% of cases. When you are looking for a mortgage in Germany, you might think that you just go to a big bank and they will make you a good offer, but that is wrong. A comparison can save thousands of Euros. And if you take out a loan from the big bank through me, you can save a lot of money.